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6th Quarterly Progress Report: November 2001 to January 2002


Between 01 November 2001 and 31 January 2002:

  • It was agreed with the DNER to extend the project by two months. It will now end on 31 March 2002;
  • Two more experiments were completed:
    • an evaluation of three textbooks in psychology;
    • a comparison of a title in geography across three commercially available formats;
    All the evaluations are now complete (see evaluations for more details);
  • A survey of the use of electronic teaching material by lecturers in a variety of disciplines at Strathclyde, Glasgow and Glasgow Caledonian Universities was conducted. This data will inform the project's best practice guidelines with subject-specific considerations;
  • A draft set of electronic textbook design guidelines was published, based on the results of earlier experiments. These will be updated to incorporate the findings of later experiments. Feedback is welcome via the online survey form;
  • EBONI leaflets were distributed at the 21st annual Charleston conference;
  • A paper on the accessibility issues surrounding electronic books ("Electronic books for everyone: designing for accessibility") was published in Vine, 125, December 2001;
  • A paper describing EBONI's evaluations and results so far was submitted to Online and CD Notes, to be published in January/February 2002;
  • The third Steering Committee meeting took place on 31 January 2002.


EBONI home pageProject staff, Management and Steering Group DetailsOverview of the projectDocuments main pageCatalogue of online learning and teaching resourcesMethodology and experimentsLinks to electronic book-related resources

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