EBONI home page

Project staff, Management and Steering Group details
Overview of the project

Proposal, progress reports, minutes and articles
Catalogue of online learning and teaching resources
Methodology and experiments




















Electronic book-related sites bookmarked by the EBONI Project Team:



A source for news and information on all aspects of electronic publishing and a community centre for ebook enthusiasts and industry professionals.

Planet eBook
Previously called "Digital Worm". The latest talk and news on ebooks, ebook formats, rights management and reading devices. E-publishers and readers go to Planet eBook to share, collaborate and find solutions at its ebooks discussion forum.

Ebook industry news, information about technology, articles, discussion groups, ebook reviews and details of new releases.

Australian E-book Newsletter
General purpose e-book newsletter with an Australian slant
Electronic Books in Libraries
Contains the Librarian's eBook Newsletter and provides details of an Electronic Book Evaluation Project which aimed to evaluate the uses and feasibility of electronic books in various types of library.
E-Books Working Group
Reports and details of meetings of the JISC DNER E-Books Working Group, set up "to provide leadership in establishing a strategy for the development of electronic books for the benefit of the academic community".
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography
Regularly updated bibliography of articles and books on electronic publishing, with a section devoted to electronic books
Open eBook Forum
The OEBF aims to create and maintain standards and promote the successful adoption of electronic books. A full ebook specification document is downloadable from there.
Jakob Nielsen's site on Web usability issues. Contains news of conferences, seminars and tutorials, Nielsen's bi-weekly "alertbox" column on usability issues, and a collection of his papers and essays on issues such as readability and evaluation techniques for Web sites.
Teacher eBooks
TeachereBooks promotes electronic books as the new communication system for education. The site offers free ebooks and ebook related resources, daily tips and a bi-weekly newsletter designed to save educators time and effort .

Portable electronic books (hardware devices)

Gemstar eBook
Gemstar acquired Nuvomedia and SoftBook Press in January 2000 and has introduced new reading devices to replace the Rocket eBook and the SoftBook.
From Franklin. Looks like a PDA but is designed to be better suited to reading ebooks.
A prototype device with a colour LCD screen from a Chicago company of the same name. Designed for university students, who will obtain textbook content directly from the goReader Web site.
From French firm Cytale. An aluminium frame with a 10-inch colour screen. Preserves the layout of a graphically complex page no matter which font size is selected.
From Korea eBook Inc. In between the size of a PDA and the Rocket eBook. Will also play MP3 music files and perform standard PDA functions.

Electronic Reader Software

Microsoft Reader
Designed to make the on-screen reading experience as close as possible to reading a printed book, while adding active reading capabilities, instant access to content and storage of a personal library.
Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader
The latest version of the former Glassbook Reader.
From Nuvomedia. Designed to give you the experience of reading a Rocket eBook on your PC.
TK3 Reader
From Night Kitchen. A new format for creating and reading electronic documents that are easy to read on-screen.
Proprietary software from Rovia, designed to provide secure access to enhanced textbook content online

Software for PDAs

A comprehensive list is provided at:

Disabilities Issues

W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
Guidelines for Web content developers on how to make Web content accessible to people with disabilities.
W3C User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
Guidelines explaining to developers how to design user agents (graphical desktop browsers, multimedia players, text browsers, voice browsers, plug-ins, and other assistive technologies) that are accessible to people with disabilities.
Service aimed at enhancing access for those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, to learning and teaching, research and administration across higher and further education through the use of information and communication technologies. Funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee.
National clearing house for Disability and Information Systems in Higher Education, funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee.

Towel Project
Aims to find solutions to problems encountered by both visually impaired and sighted users when using the Web. Compares Web-travel to real-world travel in terms of mobility, navigation, orientation, and mapping in order to identify and address problems.



EBONI home pageProject staff, Management and Steering Group detailsOverview of the projectProposal, progress reports, minutes and articlesCatalogue of online learning and teaching resourcesMethodology and experiments

© EBONI: Electronic Books ON-screen Interface