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5th Quarterly Progress Report: August to October 2001


Between 01 August and 31 October 2001:

  • The following experiments were completed:
    • a study of ebook hardware devices;
    • a comparison of electronic encyclopaedias;
    • an evaluation of Cliff McKnight's Hypertext in Context;
  • The following experiments are ongoing:
    • an evaluation of three textbooks in psychology;
    • a comparison of a title in geography across three commercially available formats;
    (see evaluations for more details);
  • Two articles were published:

  • A paper on accessibility issues ("Electronic books for everyone: designing for accessibility") was accepted for the December issue of Vine;
  • Ruth presented a paper ("Evaluating electronic textbooks: a methodology") at ECDL 2001 in Germany in September. Available in HTML and as a PowerPoint presentation;
  • The ECDL workshop, "Electronic books: old wine in new bottles?", was cancelled;
  • Ruth's paper, "The 'look and feel' of an ebook: considerations in interface design", was accepted for the SAC 2002 electronic books special track, to be held in Madrid in March;
  • The second Steering Committee meeting took place on 17 October 2001 (see minutes).


EBONI home pageProject staff, Management and Steering Group DetailsOverview of the projectDocuments main pageCatalogue of online learning and teaching resourcesMethodology and experimentsLinks to electronic book-related resources

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