EBONI home page

Documents main page

Project staff, Management and Steering Group details
Overview of the project

Documents main page
Catalogue of online learning and teaching resources
Methodology and experiments
Links to electronic book-related resources


Articles and Presentations

EBONI is now finished. An up-to-date list of ebook-related publications from the University of Strathclyde is available at the Ebook Group website.


Ruth Wilson. The "look and feel" of an ebook: considerations in interface design. 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2002), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, March 10-14 2002.

Ruth Wilson and Monica Landoni. Evaluating electronic textbooks: a methodology. Fifth European Conference on Research and Advanced technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2001), Darmstadt, Germany, 4-9 September 2001. Available in HTML and as a PowerPoint presentation.

Ruth Wilson. Ebooks overview and EBONI project. SCURL/SLAMIT seminar: Ebooks - what's in them for us? Edinburgh University Library, 7 June 2001. Available in HTML and as a PowerPoint presentation.

Ruth Wilson. EBONI: an overview of the methodology. Presentation to the Electronic Book Group. University of Strathclyde, 1 March 2001.

Monica Landoni. EBONI: Helping designers to develop electronic resources for teaching and learning in Higher Education. GIPSECA Consortium Workshop on Advances in On-line Learning. Heriot-Watt University, 26 February 2001.

Monica Landoni, Ruth Wilson and Forbes Gibb. From the Visual Book to the WEB Book: the importance of good design. Fourth European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2000), Lisbon, Portugal, 18-20 September 2000.


Ruth Wilson. EBONI: designing effective electronic textbooks. Library Hi Tech News. 19 (4), May 2002.

Ruth Wilson. Electronic books for everyone: designing for accessibility. Vine. 125, December 2001.

Ruth Wilson. Electronic books as learning tools: designing for usability. ASSIGNation. I9 (1), October 2001.

Ruth Wilson. Evolution of portable electronic books. Ariadne. 29, September 2001.

Monica Landoni, Ruth Wilson and Forbes Gibb. Looking for guidelines for the production of electronic textbooks. Online Information Review. 25 (3), 2001.

Ruth Wilson. E-books for students: EBONI . Ariadne. 27, March 2001.

Ruth Wilson. EBONI: Electronic Books ON-screen Interface. Press release in D-Lib Magazine. 7 (3), March 2001.

Ruth Wilson. Designing a readable e-book. Library Association Record. 103 (1), January 2001.

Ruth Wilson. EBONI: developing guidelines for online learning and teaching resources. SCONUL Newsletter. 21, Winter 2000.

Monica Landoni, Ruth Wilson and Forbes Gibb. From the Visual Book to the WEB Book: the importance of design. The Electronic Library. 18 (6), 2000.


EBONI home pageProject staff, Management and Steering Group detailsOverview of the projectDocuments main pageCatalogue of online learning and teaching resourcesLinks to electronic book-related resources

© EBONI: Electronic Books ON-screen Interface