EBONI home page

Contacts main page

Contacts main page
Overview of the project
Proposal, progress reports, minutes and articles
Catalogue of online learning and teaching resources
Methodology and experiments
Links to electronic book-related projects


Management Group

The EBONI Mangagement Group comprised the Project Team together with:


Dennis Nicholson

Director of Research
Directorate of Information Strategy
Lord Hope Building
University of Strathclyde
101 St James' Road
Glasgow G4 0NS

Tel: 0141 548 2102
Fax: 0141 548 2102
Email: d.m.nicholson@strath.ac.uk

Dennis is Director of Research in the Directorate of Information Strategy at Strathclyde University. Since 1991, he has managed a range of funded projects, including the BUBL Information Service (1991-), CATRIONA (1994-95), CATRIONA II (1996-98), CAIRNS (1998-), SCONE (1999-), and Glasgow Digital Library (1999-).

Dave Whittington

Robert Clark Centre for Technological Education
66 Oakfield Avenue
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8LS

Tel: 0141 330 4976
Fax: 0141 330 4832
Email: d.whittington@elec.gla.ac.uk

Dave works at the Robert Clark Centre for Technological Education at the University of Glasgow and is Technical Director of Clyde Virtual University. He is experienced in providing courseware on the Web and in use of the Internet to support flexible and distance learning.



EBONI home pageContacts main pageOverview of the projectProposal, progress reports, minutes and articlesCatalogue of online learning and teaching resourcesMethodology and experimentsLinks to electronic book-related resources

© EBONI: Electronic Books ON-screen Interface